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Synthesis, Characterization and Processing of New Materials for Innovative Applications



right arrow  Prof.Sivakumar Manickam
Professor, Petroleum and Chemical Engineering Department, Universiti Teknologi Brunei
Email: manickam.sivakumar@utb.edu.bn


right arrow  Dr.Akbar Hojjati-Najafabadi
Associate Professor, Materials Science and Physics Department, China University of Mining and Technology
Email: a_hojjati@cumt.edu.cn
right arrow  Dr.Valentina Siracusa
Professor, Chemistry Department, University of Catania
Email: vsiracus@dmfci.unict.it
right arrow  Dr.Xinhong Wang
Professor, Material Science and Engineering Department, Shandong University
Email: xinhongwang@sdu.edu.cn
right arrow  Prof.Sivakumar Manickam
Professor, Petroleum and Chemical Engineering Department, Universiti Teknologi Brunei
Email: manickam.sivakumar@utb.edu.bn
right arrow  Dr.Ramadan Ragab Atta
Lecturer, Chemistry Department, Damietta University
Email: ramadanatta75@yahoo.com
right arrow  Dr.Praveen Ramakrishnan
Assistant Professor, Nanobiomaterials Department, Saveetha Institute of Medical And Technical Sciences
Email: pxr861@live.com
right arrow  Prof.Alexander Seifalian
Director, Nanotechnology & Regenerative Medicine Commercialisation Centre (NRMC)
Email: a.seifalian@gmail.com
right arrow  Dr.Shalini Bhatt
Assistant Professor, Centre of Excellence for Research (COER)
Email: shalini.bhatt@ppsu.ac.in
right arrow  Dr.Muhammad Muqeet
Assistant Professor, Chemical and Energy Engineering Department, Pak-Austria Fachhochschule: Institute of Applied Sciences and Technology
Email: muhammadmuqeet87@gmail.com
right arrow  Dr.Sergio González Sánchez
Senior Lecturer, Mechanical and Construction Engineering Department, Northumbria University
Email: sergio.sanchez@northumbria.ac.uk
right arrow  Dr.Thee Chowwanonthapunya
Associate Professor, Maritime Engineering Department, Kasetsart University
Email: thee.c@ku.th
right arrow  Dr.Abdul Wahab
Associate Professor, Pharmacy Department, Kohat University of Science and Technology
Email: dr.abdulwahab@kust.edu.pk
right arrow  Dr.Mrinmoy Karmakar
Postdoctoral Fellow, Pharmacy Department, Kangwon National University
Email: mrinmoy.enterprise@gmail.com
right arrow  Dr.Morgan Madhuku
Research Scientist, iThemba LABS Tandem and Accelerator Mass Spectrometry (iThemba LABS TAMS)
Email: m.madhuku@ilabs.nrf.ac.za
right arrow  Dr.Samia El-Didamony
Associate Professor, Zoology and Entomology Department Department, AL- Azhar University
Email: samiaeldidamony.sci.g@azhar.edu.eg
right arrow  Dr.Mir Waqas Alam
Associate Professor, Physics Department, King Faisal University
Email: shvickey93@gmail.com
right arrow  Dr.Shah Kwok Wei
Assistant Professor, Building Department, National University of Singapore
Email: bdgskw@nus.edu.sg
right arrow  Dr.Clement L. Higginbotham
Senior Lecturer, Polymer, Mechanical & Design Department, Technological University of the Shannon: Midlands Midwest
Email: Clem.Higginbotham@tus.ie
right arrow  Prof.Lucian Baia
Professor, Physics Department, BabeÅŸ-Bolyai University
Email: lucian.baia@phys.ubbcluj.ro
right arrow  Dr.Aris E. Giannakas
Assistant Professor, Food Science and Technology Department, University of Patras
Email: agiannakas@upatras.gr
right arrow  Dr.Roshan Khadka
Scientist, The New Zealand Institute for Plant and Food Research Limited
Email: roshan.khadka@plantandfood.co.nz
right arrow  Prof.Arthur J. Nozik
Research Professor, Chemistry and Biochemistry Department, University of Colorado
Email: arthur.nozik@colorado.edu
right arrow  Dr.Mohd Amri Bin Lajis
Professor, Mech. Eng. Technology Department, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia
Email: amri@uthm.edu.my
right arrow  Dr.Hassanien Gomaa Abdien
Assistant Professor, Chemistry Department, Al-Azhar University
Email: h.gomaa@azhar.edu.eg
right arrow  Dr.Mauro Zarrelli
Researcher, Institute of Polymers, Composites and Biomaterials
Email: mauro.zarrelli@cnr.it
right arrow  Dr.Kiran Subedi
Director, Analytical Services Laboratory Department, North Carolina A&T State University
Email: ksubedi@ncat.edu
right arrow  Dr.Ahmed A. Holiel
Lecturer, Dentistry Department, Alexandria University
Email: ahmed.holiel@alexu.edu.eg
right arrow  Dr.Paula Luz Aillon Garcia
Postdoctoral Researcher, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Email: Paula.aillon@gmail.com
right arrow  Prof.Ilaria Cacciotti
Head, (Bio)Materials Science and Technology Department, University of Niccolò Cusano
Email: ilaria.cacciotti@unicusano.it
right arrow  Dr.Hicham Meskher
Assistant Professor, Process Engineering Department, Chadli Bendjedid University
Email: h.meskher@univ-eltarf.dz
right arrow  Dr.Daniel Korir
Assistant Professor, Chemistry Department, East Texas Baptist University
Email: DanielKorir@my.unt.edu
right arrow  Dr.Vandana B Patil
Assistant Professor, Physics Department, Solapur University
Email: patil.vandana40@gmail.com
right arrow  Dr.Shubhender Panwar
Assistant Professor, C.B.S. Group of Institutions
Email: shubhcbsinstitution@gmail.com
right arrow  Dr.Sonia Goswami
Associate Professor, Engineering Chemistry & Environmental Science Department, Oriental College of Technology
Email: goswamisonia87@gmail.com
right arrow  Dr.Arun Kumar Singh
Head, Associate Professor(Physics),School of Science, ISBM University
Email: arunkumarsingh20879@gmail.com
right arrow  Ms.Thiruchelvi R
Senior Research Consultant, Aman Aqua Bio Chemical free plant Activator Manufacturer
Email: thesigaselvi@gmail.com
right arrow  Dr.K. Saravanan
Scientist, R & D Department, Creative Carbon Labs Pvt Ltd
Email: sara.krish87@gmail.com
right arrow  Dr.R. Shanmuga Selvan
Assistant Professor, PG and Research (Chemistry) Department, G. T. N. Arts College
Email: shanmugaselvan@yahoo.in
right arrow  Dr.Tri Nhat Minh Nguyen
Lecturer, University of Transport And Communications
Email: trinnm_ph@utc.edu.vn
right arrow  Dr.S. Santhoshkumar
Post-Doctoral Fellow, Chemistry Department, National Sun Yat-sen University
Email: santhoshphychem@gmail.com
right arrow  Dr.Anish M
Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering Department, Sathyabama Institute of Science and Technology
Email: anish2010me@gmail.com
right arrow  Prof.T. Sathish
Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineering Department, Saveetha School of Engineering
Email: sathisht.sse@saveetha.com
right arrow  Dr.Harshal A. Chavan
Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineering Department, MET’s Bhujbal knowledge City
Email: chavanharshal@gmail.com
right arrow  Dr.Dipankar Saha
Assistant Professor, Siliguri Institute of Technology
Email: dip2k72013@gmail.com
right arrow  Dr.Saliha Begec
Professor, Chemistry Department, Inonu University
Email: saliha.begec@inonu.edu.tr
right arrow  Dr.SenthilKannan K
Professor, Physics Department, SIMATS School of Engineering
Email: mscgoldmedalist@yahoo.in
right arrow  Dr.A. Chithambar Ganesh
Associate Professor, Vel Tech Rangarajan Dr. Sagunthala R&D Institute of Science and Technology
Email: chithambarmailid@gmail.com
right arrow  Dr.Ketan P. Gattu
Assistant Professor, Nanotechnology Department, Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University
Email: gattu.ketan2@gmail.com
right arrow  Dr.V.Subbukutti
Assistant Professor, Physics Department, Bhaktavatsalam Memorial College for Women
Email: researchaffin@gmail.com
right arrow  Dr.Abdelhak Maghchiche
Lecturer, Batna 2 University
Email: amaghchiche@yahoo.fr
right arrow  Dr.P. Lalitha
Professor, Chemistry Department, Avinashilingam Institute for Home science and Higher Education for Women
Email: lalitha_chem@avinuty.ac.in
right arrow  Dr.Abdul Rahma N. Abed
Professor, Mechanical Engineering Department, University of Al Nahrain
Email: abd.ulrahman2011@yahoo.com
right arrow  Dr.Mohammed Mohammed
Faculty, Chemical Engineering Department, Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP)
Email: hmn7575@yahoo.com
right arrow  Dr.Akram Taleghani
Assistant Professor, Chemistry Department, Gonbad Kavous University
Email: akramtaleghani@yahoo.com
right arrow  Dr.Tadagbe Sylvanus Gbenou
Researcher, Beijing University of Chemical Science
Email: gbenousylvanus@gmail.com
right arrow  Dr.S. Mohanapriya
Senior Research Associate, CSIR-CECRI
Email: priyaechem@gmail.com
right arrow  Dr.Jayato Nayak
Assistant Professor, Mahindra University
Email: nayak.jayato@gmail.com
right arrow  Dr.Dilip Kumar Patel
Assistant Professor, Electrical Engineering Department, Kamla Nehru Institute of Technology
Email: dilippatelrec@gmail.com
right arrow  Dr.Yengkokpam Robinson
Assistant Professor, Physics Department, Kamakhya Pemton College
Email: robinsonkokpam@gmail.com
right arrow  Dr.Nutan Sharma
Associate Professor, Chemistry Department, Vivekananda Global University
Email: nutansharma9@gmail.com
right arrow  Dr.Pranjali T. Maskar
Associate Professor, Chemistry Department, B.K.Birla College
Email: pranjalimaskar@gmail.com
right arrow  Dr.Palashpriya Das
Associate Professor, D Y Patil Institute of Biotechnology and Bioinformatics
Email: write2palashpriya@gmail.com
right arrow  Dr.Sivamaran venkatesan
Scientific Researcher, University of Limerick
Email: sivamaranv@gmail.com
right arrow  Dr.Afzal Hussain
Assistant Professor, Pharmaceutics Department, College of Pharmacy, King Saud University
Email: afzal.pharma@gmail.com
right arrow  Dr.Hari Shankar Biswas
Assistant Professor, Chemistry Department, Surendranath College
Email: harishankarb7@gmail.com
right arrow  Dr.Xavier T S
Assistant Professor, Physics Department, Centre for Advanced Materials Research, Govt. College for Women, University of Kerala
Email: xavierkattukulam@gmail.com
right arrow  Dr.Golrokh Farnam
Researcher, Pharmaceutical Sciences Research Center, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences
Email: gol.farnam@gmail.com
right arrow  Dr.Nishi S Das
Associate professor, EEE Department, Baselios Mathews II College of Engineering
Email: nishisdas@gmail.com
right arrow  Dr.Irshad Ahmad
Guest Faculty, Chemistry Department, Lalit Narayan Mithila University
Email: irshadahmad85@gmail.com
right arrow  Dr.Fareed Ahmad
Assistant Professor, Electrical Engineering Department, S.N.D. College of Engineering and Research Center
Email: fareed903@gmail.com
right arrow  Mr.D Satheesh
Assistant Professor, Chemistry Department, Loganatha Narayanasamy Government College (Autonomous)
Email: satheeshvdm@gmail.com
right arrow  Dr.Raghavendra Kumar Gunda
Associate Professor, Narasaraopeta Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Email: raghav.gunda@gmail.com
right arrow  Dr.Mayank Bhushan
Assistant Professor, Research Analytics Department, Saveetha Dental College & Hospitals
Email: mayankbhushan1984@gmail.com
right arrow  Dr.R. Soundararajan
Professor, Mechanical Engineering Department, Sri Krishna College of Engineering and Technology
Email: soundararajan.mtech@gmail.com
right arrow  Dr.Snigdha Sharma
Electrification Energy Storage Manager, Technology Department, ReNew Power pvt ltd
Email: sharma.snigdha93@gmail.com
right arrow  Dr.Jayavelu Sundaram
Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineering Department, Vel Tech Rangarajan Dr Sagunthala R&D Institute of Science and Technology
Email: drjayavelusundaram@gmail.com
right arrow  Dr.Trilok Kumar Pathak
Lecturer, Physics Department, Government Girls Polytechnic College
Email: tpathak01@gmail.com
right arrow  Dr.Boskey V Bahoria
Assistant professor, Civil Engineering Department, Yeshwantrao Chavan College of Engineering
Email: boskey.bahoria@gmail.com
right arrow  Dr.V. Sivasankar
Assistant Professor, Chemistry Department, Pachaiyappa\'s College
Email: sivshri.20@gmail.com
right arrow  Dr.Khalid Zakaria
Assistant Professor, Damascus University
Email: khalid.a.zakaria@gmail.com
right arrow  Dr.Meril Shelly
Assistant Professor, Christ College
Email: merilshelly28@gmail.com
right arrow  Dr.Vikas Sharma
Research Associate Fellow, School of Architecture, Technology and Engineering University of Brighton
Email: vikas6844@gmail.com
right arrow  Mr.Yaman Hooda
Assistant Professor, Manav Rachna International Institute of Research and Studies
Email: yamanhooda@gmail.com
right arrow  Dr.Pavani Sriram
Associate Professor, Pharmaceutics Department, Vaagdevi College of Pharmacy
Email: pavanisrm@gmail.com
right arrow  Dr.Naveen Kumar
Associate Professor, Physics Department, Chandigarh University
Email: naveensethi99@gmail.com
right arrow  Dr.Loganathan Veeramuthu
Research Assistant Professor, Institute of Organic and Polymeric Materials Department, National Taipei University of Technology
Email: logan1@ntut.edu.tw

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